Coming soon

business notes, seamless control

Unlock next-level team productivity and powerful organizational controls. 
Join the waitlist now for early access!

Goodnotes for Business
long-awaited Admin Console

Account and user management

Invite users, create and deactivate user accounts, assign organizational roles, control user permissions

Self-serve billing 
and payments

Gain control over subscription details, billing management and payment methods


Safely configure SAML Single-Sign On (SSO) authentication for your organization for advanced security

More new features to
look out for

Ask Goodnotes, your team's AI-powered productivity assistant 

Use and retrieve any of the information in your notes within seconds

Real-time audio transcription

Convert audio to text instantly, with a seamless drag-and-drop to text box feature

Intelligent search across all your devices

Search your notes and PDF documents across all platforms using Goodnotes

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