Try Goodnotes for Web

Notes, reimagined. Fall in love with handwriting again on Goodnotes for Web.

$6.99 per year, with a 1-week free trial.

Try Goodnotes for Web
The UI of Goodnotes for Web with the note of dandelions

Introducing your new favorite note-taking app for Web

Coming soon: sync your notes across all platforms

Experience the freedom of handwriting

Write equations, mind maps, and diagrams on a blank canvas. Edit your ink after you’ve noted it down.

Multiple GoodNotes Templates

50+ notes templates to inspire every use case

Multiple GoodNotes Templates

From blank paper to graph paper, dotted paper, Cornell notes, and more. Just start writing.

Easily collaborate on any device

Share a link to your notes to invite others to view, edit, and comment.

Try it out and tell us what you think.

Try Goodnotes for Web

Upcoming features

Mid 2024

Smart Offline mode

Sync with iOS

Trash bin

Change color of writing

Favorite documents & folders

Late 2024

Search within documents

Full-page typing

Try Goodnotes for free today

Sign-up for Goodnotes for Web today and try for free. Unlock all features for just $6.99 a year.

Try Goodnotes for Web


Can I sync my Android and Windows notes to Web?

Yes! Your account for Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web will be the same. So, if you're already using Goodnotes on Android or Windows, you can view your notes on the Web version too.

Can I sync Goodnotes documents from my iPad to the Web app?

Not yet, but it’s coming soon!

In the mean time, here’s a way to share notebooks from Goodnotes to Windows Android, or Web:

  1. Make sure “Use iCloud" is enabled in in Goodnotes on iOS/iPadOS/macOS.
  2. Open a document that you want to share in Goodnotes on iOS/iPadOS/macOS.
  3. Tap the Share icon in the navigation bar > Enable Share Link to Collaborate.
  4. Tap on Sharing Settings and make sure "Open Document on Web" is enabled (available in the full version only).
  5. Tap Send Link to share it.

Are Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web and Goodnotes 6 on iPad the same app?

Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web does not offer the full range of features in Goodnotes 6 on iPad, but our team is committed to bring more useful features to improve the product and you can find the upcoming features above.

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