Get Inspired: Incorporating Images and Multimedia in Your Lessons

Gabriel Jourdan

Stuck on what assignments to create for your students? Let our Lead Product Evangelist show you an example of how creative you can get with Goodnotes Classroom.


Hi I'm Gabriel and I want to show you an example of how flexible Goodnotes Classroom can be in creating exercises that are really interesting and engaging for your students.

Here I imported an image that I found online of a world map and in the bottom left corner I inserted a sticker using the Goodnotes Elements tool that explains the exercise that I want my students to complete. 

So over the course of the next week I want them to use their iPads to take photos of all the meals that they're having together with their family and insert them into the world map according to the country of origin of that meal. 

That's a great way of making them aware of their own consumption and also something that we can then discuss in class together. Using Teach mode at the top here I can see what my students have already inserted and how they're able to actually express themselves in multiple different ways. We can also see already the first kind of pattern. So for example this student is consuming food together with their family that exclusively comes from one region whereas this student for example consumes food that comes from across all over the world. So I hope this gives you a better idea about how flexible Goodnotes Classroom can be when working with different media and how you can empower your students to truly express themselves creatively.

Gabriel Jourdan

Lead Product Evangelist