How I Teach Chinese using Goodnotes Classroom's AI

朱盈潔 Chu Ying Kit

Ms. Chu is the Chinese language teacher at Zhonglun Senior High School. Ever since using Goodnotes Classroom, she’s digitized all her assignments. She shares here how she uses Compare to Model Answer feature to use AI to cluster similar student answers together, which helps her quickly get a sense of how her students are doing. (Subtitles available)

Transcript (translated)

Hello everyone, I am the Chinese language teacher at Zhonglun High School.

This semester I tried to use the Goodnotes AI Compare to Model Answer feature to make my teaching smoother and more efficient.

In the past, I used paper-based worksheets, but I switched to using Goodnotes notes.

The students get a worksheet in Goodnotes that’s shared with me. Then they have to answer comprehension questions after watching the video. I designed a mixed-type question similar to a university exam. There will be a reading passage in front, and then a question will be designed below.

Or one multiple choice question and two questions.

Or two multiple choice questions and one question.

After they answer, I use the Compare to Model Answer feature on the spot. The AI grouping function makes it convenient for me to quickly see these answers.

Then for the students, I can clearly know how many people answered the first question correctly, and the second question and how many people answered the text descriptions of the third question correctly.

Later, in one operation, I found that due to the design of my worksheet, when I didn't frame it well with the Answer Zone tool, the students' characters would be cut off in the grouping process. So I later designed a version with grids, and the effect was actually very good.

In terms of immediate review, it is really quite effective. It helps students answer more precisely and efficiently each time.

朱盈潔 Chu Ying Kit

國文老師 Chinese Teacher